Module 4

Learning Unit 6

Module 4: Learning Unit 6

Learning Activities

Learning activity 1
Can you draw a flow chart of the inter-related system of your department and how the patient enters your department and passes through to other departments on the patient journey.
Do you have communication with the inter-related parts that connect to your department?
You need to share a clear understanding and commitment to the aims of co-operating with the interdependent parts of the system and not competing.

Learning Activity 2
What information system is in place for your data to be legitimised and to work to inform the organisation to become a learning organisation?

Learning Activity 3
How will you assess your individual team members learning style? How will you engage each individual according to what motivates them?

Learning Activity 4
Turning to chapter 9 can you recall what types of variation there are? Look at table 9.1 for definitions of variation. Can you think of examples in your own area of clinical practice for

 Explainable variation
 Warranted variation
 Acceptable variation
 Unwarranted variation


Learning Outcomes : By the end of this learning unit you will be able to

  1. Explain Demings Theory of Profound Knowledge
  2. Outline the elements of a leader’s qualities required to produce ‘profound knowledge’
  3. Review learning styles and how individuals learn best
  4. Review Dr Ravi Sargur’s case study on Variation