Learning Activities
Learning activity 1
Can you draw a flow chart of the inter-related system of your department and how the patient enters your department and passes through to other departments on the patient journey.
Do you have communication with the inter-related parts that connect to your department?
You need to share a clear understanding and commitment to the aims of co-operating with the interdependent parts of the system and not competing.
Learning Activity 2
What information system is in place for your data to be legitimised and to work to inform the organisation to become a learning organisation?
Learning Activity 3
How will you assess your individual team members learning style? How will you engage each individual according to what motivates them?
Learning Activity 4
Turning to chapter 9 can you recall what types of variation there are? Look at table 9.1 for definitions of variation. Can you think of examples in your own area of clinical practice for
Explainable variation
Warranted variation
Acceptable variation
Unwarranted variation
Learning Outcomes : By the end of this learning unit you will be able to