Module 4

Learning Unit 3

Module 4: Learning Unit 3

Learning Activities

Learning activity 1
If you are planning a weekend away or a holiday, then this book is definitely a good read. Read the book ‘ The Tipping Point’ and reflect on how you relate to the key messages in the book ;

Learning Activity 2
Reflect on how patients are engaged with in your department. Do you involve them in Quality Improvement projects and how do you do this?

Learning Activity 3
Think of an aspect at work – are you trying to push too much information?
How can you tap into the connectors, mavens and salesmen?
What sort of map or guide can you create to show how change can be accommodated in the lives of yourself and others in the team with pending change?


Learning Outcomes : By the end of this learning unit you will be able to

1. Explain the ‘Tipping Point’ as a theory of change
2. Reflect on a case study of how change can be facilitated into peoples lives
3. Reflect on how the ‘Tipping point’ can be applied in an aspect of your own healthcare practice
4. Consider your own strategy for establishing a social movement