Module 1

Learning Unit 9 Patient Safety & Experience Based Design

Module 1: Learning Unit 9 Patient Safety & Experience Based Design

Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1 –
The article has by Seshia et al, been written by medical colleagues in Canada. Please read the article and note down: What similarities are there between the issues raised in this article and the issues faced by you in your own country?
Learning Activity 2 –
Reflecting on the swiss cheese model, can you remember the last error in your department? Was it a medication error? A misdiagnosis? How might you usefully apply the swiss cheese model to learn how to prevent patient safety incidents in your own context?
Learning Activity 3 –
Read the case studies applied to pancreatic cancer and identify a plan to apply experience based design in your own department.


Learning Outcomes : By the end of this learning unit you will be able to

1. Discuss patient safety from a system perspective and explain the Swiss Cheese Model as a tool to understand patient safety
2. Explain the principles of service redesign from a collaborative perspective (with all stakeholders)
3. Explore the method of ‘Experience Based Design’ to support patients and carers to engage