Module 1

Learning Unit 15 How to Develop a Person Centred Quality Focused Organisation

Module 1: Learning Unit 15 How to Develop a Person Centred Quality Focused Organisation

Learning Activities

Learning activity 1:
Think of an aspect of your service where the receptionist gives information to a patient. How might you support the receptionist to think about her role with patients and to minimise the risk of error and litigation;
Learning Activity 2
Read Elizabeth Hutchinson’s case study Chapter 31 in the book Medical Leadership a Toolkit for service development and system transformation. Lizzie identifies two tables with quality indicators for A&E one in Denmark and the other the UK. Which quality indicators do you use and how do these relate to the IOM definition of Quality above?
Learning Activity 3
Now come up with your own set of quality performance measures from both lists demonstrating how each one meets the IOM definition of Quality and which ones focus on Donabedian’s Structure, Process or Outcome


Learning Outcomes : By the end of this learning unit you will be able to

1. Embed W.Edwards deming’s 14 points from the top of the organisation downwards:
2. Explore how to develop a balanced set of measures for the organisation to know about its quality performance
3. Use a case study of poor patient outcomes to demonstrate how quality is everyone’s business