The World Academy of Medical Leadership

Medical Leadership Research Course

This is a one day course which can be completed online with a blend of learning materials or you can book a one-to-one session with one of our tutors.



Medical Leadership Research


This one-day course helps you to focus on a specific problem in your department that requires further evaluation or research. We help you to examine the problem using a wide range of diagnostic tools, and to generate a research question from this problem. Medical Leadership research seeks to solve practical departmental and health system problems through a wide range of research skills combined with medical leadership styles, behaviours and approaches. We support you to identify a reporting guideline suited to your own research and to design the research study to meet the requirements of the reporting guideline. This is the most effective and efficient way to publish your research study.

 Knowing about the difference between Leadership and Management, doctors can identify the skills required by others (to manage finance, equipment and resources) and the types of leadership required by themselves to build high performing teams in healthcare.

It is only after knowing about oneself can doctors have the highest influence in the development of the wider healthcare team. We will guide you to develop a wide range of leadership styles to help motivate and inspire your team and to towards establishing a high performing team.

What doctors say about this course:

“I have learnt about studying reporting guidelines before designing a research study, as this is vital for publishing our work”

 “this course has changed my way of thinking”

“I learnt about how to do research and audit and to publish an article by using different reporting guidelines like the SQURE guideline”

“I have learnt how to think critically about quality improvement and participation in research”

“There is no future for any medical speciality without research”

“this course has helped me understand that undertaking research is possible while doing speciality training. It is also going to help me prepare for my consultant interview”

Learning Outcomes

• Reflect upon the specific contribution of “Medical Leadership” Research to advance healthcare services

• Reflect upon Medical Leadership styles and approaches required in the undertaking of medical leadership research

• Critically review methods and approaches to identify problems in the department and collect data to further diagnose the problem

• Develop a research question and write aims and objectives

• Critically review different research designs suited for answering different research questions and the impact on determining sample size

• Understand the difference between quantitative and qualitative research

• Critically reflect on the analysis of quantitative data for medical leadership research and the use of statistical tests

• Knowledge of reporting guidelines and the selection of an appropriate guideline to fit the research study

Outline of the day

9.30 – Introduction, Objectives and Personalised Learning Goals

Expectations of delegates and a summary of the current problem and challenge in the department. This time is an opportunity for the facilitators to learn about a problem experienced by delegates and to tailor this “medical leadership research” day to meet individual learning needs.

9.45 –  Diagnosing problems in healthcare

There are a wide range of tools that can be used to diagnose problems in the workplace. We will guide you through the tools available to you where you can collect either primary or secondary data to help you create a rationale and background for your research project. We will guide you in the writing of a problem statement and develop your writing of a research question, aims and objectives.

10.30 –Data, registering your research project and ethics

Everyone embarking on a research study will need to register their research with the information and clinical governance department at the hospital or within the local health science network. Registering your project is important to protect yourself and it is also important to publishing your study. Most publications will require you to have registered your project and to have considered ethical issues when undertaking your project.

11.00 – Break

 11.15 – Literature Reviews

Gathering data to support your research study and ways to find out if the study has been done before. Techniques to set up alerts for literature you are looking for and registering within research networks. Setting up a bibliography database, Refworks and other digital repositories.

12.00 – Research Designs

How best to design a research study to answer your research question? What choices do you have and how does the research design relate to a publishing guideline? Working out what is best for you, the team, the organisation and to improve the quality of care for patients in the department.

1.00 – Lunch

 13.30 – Data analysis and the “rules”

We will teach you how to collect and analyse data that will be at the standards required for publication There are specific rules for quantitative and qualitative data analysis that you will need to build into your data analysis framework.

1430 – Your Data analysis

We help you to set up a data analysis framework using either Excel or SPSS.

1530 – Writing for publication as you are undertaking your research

We guide you to incorporate your reporting guideline into your research study from the start and teach you a wide range of tips for successfully publishing your work.

1630 – Evaluation and Action Planning

We provide you with support to consider an action plan to help make a difference to succeeding with your own research project.

1700- Close